2019/07/26 Health is in the control of the hand of oneself – Be concerned about one’s own health at all time!

Self-care and healthy living

With the change of life patterns, modern people are facing the ever-increasing life pressure. As such, people tend to neglect their health management, the situation is getting worse and more serious where people suffer all kinds of civilized diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular problems. In fact, physical health check-ups are like regular car maintenance aiming to prevent the car from failing on the road through thorough preventive measures ahead of time.

Prevention is the best remedy

Health examination is a part of preventive medicine, the purpose of which is to examine the hidden problems of the body through different inspection and examination tools, as well to screen out risk factors that endanger health or cause common diseases, so as to realize the concept of "The earlier the disease is detected, the earlier treatment can be applied!" and to promote the concept of "Prevention is the best remedy." Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, can be detected by health screening, so that appropriate treatment can be applied. Cancer, in recent years, has been the top cause of death among the ten leading causes. Cancer has caused significant panic to all. Actually, cancer itself is not to be afraid of, provided early diagnosis and early treatment can be practiced, since the prognosis effect is more prominent in the early stage. The survival rate is also quite high after treating cervical zero-stage cancer zero, early-stage stomach cancer, etc. With modern technology today, the convenience of people's living has been hugely enhanced. In the aspect of health management, Sparkking is able to provide the upmost assistance for health management at home. The blood sugar laboratory film and various laboratory films offered by Sparkking proudly allow people to easily and quickly manage their basic health status.

Health is in the hand of one’s own hands.

At last, one more concept needs to be emphasized; that is, although health examination is important, regular personal health care is more important. For example, balanced eating habits, persistent exercise routines, normal daily schedule, and a content heart, all, as critical factors, contribute to the maintenance of personal health. Regular health check-ups can keep abreast of the physical conditions. The so-called “Health is wealth” means that only with a healthy body, can a person takes care of the family, the career development, as well as the leisure and recreational life. One final warm reminder, health is in one’s own hand to control; regardless of the busy schedule, please always remember to take regular health check-ups!